Eight FAQs for COFDM Mobile Video Transmission Equipment

Eight FAQs for COFDM Mobile Video Transmission Equipment

1. Is the power of COFDM mobile video equipment radiation?
The radiation of COFDM mobile video equipment is the same as that of mobile phones and WIFI wireless networks.
The so-called radiation here refers to electromagnetic microwaves. Now our living environment is covered with countless electromagnetic microwaves, such as the WIFI networks, 3G and 4G networks that we use every day. These electromagnetic radiations are in line with national and international standards. Standards do not affect the human body.
If you worry about the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, I think you should worry about your own microwave oven, induction cooker, hair dryer, electric shaver. The electromagnetic radiation generated by these devices during use is several thousand times greater than those of wireless microwave radiation.
2. The bigger the power, the better?
No, the greater the power is, the farther the transmission distance is. This is in fact a misunderstanding. After all, things will be reversed.
In the past, the issue of power size was also mentioned in the introduction of the five major cognitive errors of wireless bridges. Like COFDM equipment and wireless bridges, microwaves are used as transmission carriers. In the transmission process, the microwave signal will be interfered by the signal, resulting in the loss of data. Excessive power is one of the causes of signal interference, so it is not that the higher the power of the COFDM device, the better.
In addition, the emission power of the equipment is limited by laws and regulations in various countries, and it is not how much the manufacturer wants to do.
3. Will the use of heat for a long time?
Yes, most of the mobile phone programs that are currently open will heat up. Most of the users who use the COFDM device will pay attention to the heating problem. They use the COFDM device. Tengyuan Zhituo's COFDM equipment for individual soldiers has not only set up fan cooling, but also equipped with a heat-proof compartment pack, which can effectively block the insulation and facilitate portability.
4. Will there be frequency interference?
All microwave transmission equipment will be interfered by the same frequency. To solve the problem of interference of the same frequency, Tengyuan's COFDM equipment uses a relatively clean ultra-low frequency: 300MHz to 1400MHz, which avoids the 2.4Ghz frequency of mobile devices. And COFDM modulation technology originally has a very strong anti-multipath interference capability. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the problem of poor transmission efficiency due to interference.
5. Does the video screen have a mosaic card screen phenomenon?
No, because the reason for the existence of the mosaic is due to the interference caused by the frequency. The COFDM equipment mentioned above uses the ultra-low frequency, and it contains the filter and will not generate interference, so there will be no mosaic phenomenon.
In addition, Tengyuan CTO's COFDM equipment can transmit 30 kilometers under the visual environment. As long as the distance is within the transmission range, the video signal can maintain a stable transmission effect.
6. Can the frequency be adjusted at will?
The country has relevant frequency use regulations, as long as it is adjustable within the frequency range that we can use. In addition, the commissioning frequency must be operated or guided by specialized personnel, and the user can not randomly adjust, after all, the professional matter is done by a professional person.
7. Is there any interference between the antenna and the HDMI cable?
This depends on the quality of the HDMI cable. Teng Yuan Zhi Tuo has a foreign customer feedback. The HDMI cable has caused some interference to the device. The smart customer immediately took measures and thought about the following picture. Unfortunately, the effect was general.
Stop interference
Later, when the 20+ core HDMI cable was repurchased with anti-jamming magnetic rings, there would be no interference. This shows that the use of anti-jamming magnetic ring HDMI cable can effectively reduce interference and improve video quality, this type of line is only a few hundred more expensive than the ordinary HDMI cable.
8. The frequency I request is not in your frequency range. Can I customize it?
Yes, each country's frequency range is not the same. Some foreign customers will give us microwave frequencies that are not included in the equipment. As long as that frequency meets the local requirements, Tengyuan can customize it for you.

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