Intel created a new quantum computing superconducting chip

Intel created a new quantum computing superconducting chip

On the 10th, Intel announced the use of advanced materials science and manufacturing technology to create a new type of superconducting chip and deliver it to QuTech, Intel's research partner in the Netherlands. This is a big step Intel made to make quantum computing a reality.

Quantum computing can be called the next major technological revolution, its arrival faster than the imagination of the outside world. In May of this year, IBM introduced its own quantum processor. Scientists have been trying to use silicon-containing diamonds as a quantum computing matrix. Google is already researching cloud solutions. Microsoft is also creating a new Coding language.
Intel said that the cornerstone of quantum computing - qubits, very fragile. They operate only at very low temperatures and must be packed carefully to prevent data loss.
Intel's research groups in Oregon and Arizona have found a way to make "17-qubit" chips, increase reliability at higher temperatures, and reduce radio frequency interference between each qubit . The chip can send and receive signals that are 10 to 100 times larger than wire-bonded chips. The chip has an advanced design that allows the technology to be applied to larger quantum integrated circuits.
"At present, Intel's quantum research has been developed to some extent. Our partner QuTech is simulating a quantum algorithm workload and Intel is manufacturing a new quantum bit test chip at its leading manufacturing facility." Intel's lab chief said: "Intel What sets us apart from the expertise in manufacturing, controlling electronics and architectures will bring us a new paradigm of computation from neuromorphology to quantum computing. "

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