2012 Phosphate Fertilizer Off-season Reserve Reserve Agreement signed

2012 Phosphate Fertilizer Off-season Reserve Reserve Agreement signed

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Recently, the Department of Economic Affairs and Development of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance's Economic Development Department, and the company's special reserves for phosphate reserves have signed a special reserve agreement for the 2012 off-season reserves of phosphate fertilizer . The annual special reserve of phosphate fertilizer in the off-season is 700,000 tons, and the reserve period is 4 months. It is stored in major provinces such as Shandong and Hebei where phosphate fertilizers are consumed.

A total of 26 phosphate fertilizer companies signed an agreement, including 12 companies that have independently undertaken the national light storage mission, with a total reserve of 380,000 tons. The production enterprises and distribution companies have jointly formed a total of 14 companies with the national light storage mission. 32 thousand tons. Yunnan Yuntianhua International Chemicals Co., Ltd., Qifu (Group) Co., Ltd., and Guizhou Kaishui Co., Ltd., the leading domestic phosphate and compound fertilizer industry, have over 40% of the total reserves.

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